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Attachment Play

Learn all about the incredible power of attachment play.

  • Ended
  • 29 British pounds
  • Lewes

Service Description

This is a beautiful way to support children starting their school year whether their first day, new class, new school etc or simply find fun playful ways to connect and transform behaviour. Do you want your child/ren to listen to you? Would you like to yell less and laugh more? Do you want to prevent challenging behaviour using mainly playfulness and fun? Would you like your child/ren to access their true co-operative selves? Do you want to learn different ways you can effectively support their behaviour? Would you like to learn playful ways to stay connected with your children? Would you like a different way to respond other than rewards and punishments? If you, like me, find the daily challenges of parenting exhausting, you too will find these tools life changing. Perhaps you get easily frustrated that they don't or won't listen?  Maybe your child wants to jump on the bed just before bedtime and your feel angry?  Perhaps your child is continuously using rude words?  Or you're worried that they aren't eating properly?  Perhaps you're tired of your child not getting their things ready on time and leaving the house ends in shouting and tears?  Or you feel like teeth brushing is a constant battle? Play can totally transform these moments. In this 2 hour workshop we will look at the 9 forms of Attachment Play based on Dr Solter's book Attachment Play and discuss their therapeutic value as well as looking at real life examples. The information applies to children from birth to age 12.  This isn't just any old play this type of play can heal, help change your child's mood, heal stresses traumas and make life a lot easier for you:) It also help children feel valued, loved and connected! 'I would absolutely recommend the course, it should be on the school curriculum. I think if all 'parents were aware' we would have a much better world. Thank you so much for helping me bring up my children better.' Sara, SE London

Contact Details

  • Lewes, UK


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